Monday, April 18, 2016


Lip Reduction is also called reduction cheiloplasty, a plastic surgery procedure to remove excess lip tissue to reduce the appearance of overly large lips. The procedure can be performed under local and or regional anesthesia although some surgeons may choose to perform it under Light Sleep anesthesia. The procedure takes only about 15 to 30 minutes and takes about 2 weeks to heal. Swelling can be an issue so please knows this beforehand. Also asymmetry is possible so please choose your surgeon wisely. Although a fairly simple procedure, complications can and do happen.

Preparation before Surgery
You should be given a pre-operative information packet that explains everything you should do and know before your surgery date.
  • Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
  • Stop smoking well in advance of surgery
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding
Special instructions you receive will cover:
  • What to do on the night before and the morning of surgery
  • The use of anesthesia during your nose surgery
  • Post-operative care and follow-up

Surgical Procedures
Lip reduction is performed by making an incision in the length of your lip inside your mouth and then removing a strip of skin from one or both lips, depending upon the look you want to achieve. Your Surgeon will aim to enhance the mouth and lips area to complement your facial features, giving you a softened, natural mouth

Post-Operative Care
Your swelling will subside within a few weeks, but usually the final result will be visible after about 3 months of the surgical procedure. You may notice a change in your smile, odd sensations of “hollowness”, tingling, the sporadic sharp pain, or “pulling”, burning, and cold sensations. These usually subside within the first few weeks.
You can return to work at 5 to 7 days – but it depends upon type of your work. If you have a sedentary (desk job) with little or no amount of talking it is ok to resume your work after about a week. If your job requires high impact activity you may need more time off .Consult with your surgeon regarding this.

Possible Risks and Complication
All surgery has risks and complications. With lip reduction, these risks include allergic reaction to the anesthesia and infection. There is also the risk of asymmetry and/or cosmetic dissatisfaction. Numbness is also possible, but this usually subsides within the first few weeks. Excess scar tissue and lumps in your newly-thinned lips may also occur. If your lips are too thin as a result of lip reduction surgery, lip augmentation may help correct this.

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  1. Learn how lip reduction can help you achieve more harmonious facial features. Get lip reduction surgery cost, risk and recovery info.

  2. thanks for sharing such a informative post on surgery. please also visit my blog. Lip Enhancement Surgeons In Lucknow
